Confectionery Trading Company
Showing all 28 results
Camel Balls Sour Gum
Pack size: 6
Witchetie Grubs
Better Tasting than the old original.
2kg yellow & white grubs. -
Milk (White) Buds
Pack size: 8kg
Eucalyptus Balls 2kg Bag
Fini Strwbry Yog Bars
Pack size: 6
Paint Splash (12)
Puppy House (3rd Edition)
A Special little puppy in it’s own carry kennel includes tasty bone shaped crunchy candies. 6 to Collect. 12 in the outer. (Series 11)
Fini Yogurt Bar Blue/Rasp
Sherbet paste filled candy x 150
Monster Jawbreakers
Monster Jawbreaker x 12 NOW Wrapped.
Quick Blast Sour Spray
Sour spray candy in a fire extinguisher shaped bottle 3 flavours x 12 in a display
Rainbow M/Mallos
Pack size: 8
Laser Projector Pop
Push button to project character image, lolly Pop in handle 3 assorted flavours in display 12 x the outer
Magic Potion Candy
Magic Potion is like a science experiment you that you can eat 12 in the display, 3 flavours to try.
Sour Flled Bars Blue/Rasp
Pack size: 8
Sweet Beads 28g
Sweet Beads Candy Beads 28g make your own candy Jewellery
Fini Watermelon Belt
Sale!Fini Watermelon Flavoured Belt x 150
2kg Choc Clangers
Choc Clangers tub display
Double Sour Dip
Double the lolly pop and double sherbet x 12
Safari Doo Doo HALF PRICE BBD 062023
Sale!Safari Doo Doo $2.50 Candy Pooping animal on card x 12…HALF PRICE BBD 062023
Magic Carpets
Sour Fantasy Belt bite size pieces 2 kg bag
Watermelon Pop
Watermelon Pop with Bubble-gum Centre 100 in display
Candy Shots $2.50
Candy Shots delicious liquid candy. x 12 in display $2.50
Monster Gobstopper
Sale!Monster Gobstopper with Bubble gum centre. 12 in the display.
Unicorn Doo Doo $2.50
Unicorn Doo Doo Candy Pooping animal on card x 12 $2.50rrp
Eucolyptus Balls (Bulk) (12KG)
Eucolyptus Balls Bulk 12kg
Sour Filled Bars Strawberry
Pack size: 8
Double Dips
3 pouch package Orange Sherbet 1 side cherrry sherbet next side and a candy stick for dipping at the end. x 24 in display.
Eucalyptus Balls 12kg Bag
Eucalyptus Balls 12kg Bag
Showing all 28 results